We are back and hopefully better than ever!
Since the move to Colorado things have needless to say been a little bit crazy! It seems like from the time we got the final word that we would be going to Colorado for sure until know has been a whirlwind! Everything happened So fast! We are finally starting to get settled and finally starting to feel like we can take a minute to breath.
Being that we are now in between both states and all the family, and that we've all been so super busy with everything Chris and I have found that it's been hard to keep EVERYONE updated like we should. We know that you all want updates and to keep in touch better but It's proved to be too hard for us with everything we have going on to find the time to sit a write an email/text/or call everyone that we need too. It seems that every week some of you fall between the cracks and although we are trying our best we had to find a better way. So we sat down and talked and prayed about it and decided that the best thing to do would be to reprise the old family blog! So that's the plan, we have added all of you to the email list so it should email you an update every time new content is posted, all you need to do is click on the link and it will take you to the blog site where you'll be able to get the full post with pictures/and videos... We hope that this will work out better for everyone, our plan is to try and post an update at least once a week, sometimes more if we find extra time. But we will try to hit all the big things and keep you all updated on what we are up to out here on our Colorado adventure. Please let me know if you ever want to know about anything specifically!
So stay tuned for an update coming your way sometime this week!
Thanks everyone!

So Chris had his birthday last week,(The big 30) I'm reluctant to even mention it because he was really wanting to keep it hush hush. He didn't want a big fuss, which I had a little bit of a hard time with because it was a BIG birthday and I wanted to celebrate it. I did a little of the back and forth, "does he say he doesn't want anything but really he'll be sad if I don't do something..." and I also wondered if I should just defy him and do something behind his back anyways, but in the end I decided to give him what he wanted. My mom took the kids for the night and Chris and I had a nice dinner out, it was a quiet birthday, but I think he had a good one. I feel bad because it was over shadowed somewhat by the packing and the move that is going on right now, but he seemed content with letting it just pass by like any other day. He doesn't really care so much about birthdays, he never really wants to celebrate them, I like to celebrate other people's birthdays and make them special, but I understand because I like to play down my own. With the move we didn't really have much to give in the way of gifts, the kids and I made Chris a nice card, Carson and Lilli signed their own names which he loved, and they all told me in their own words what they wanted to tell him. I wrote him a nice letter, which we do from time to time. It's funny we've been packing and coming across old photos of us when we were dating... we both look SO young (which we should it was like 8 and a half years ago!)I think he got a little sad because I kept making comments about how young we looked and how much thinner we both were...like he thought I longed for him to look like that, which really isn't true. I told him, (which is 100% true) that I truly believe that he looks so much more handsome today then he did back then! That he gets More distinguished and more handsome each year! (Which he should believe because he knows I have a thing for older, distinguished news anchormen!) Anyways I just wanted to mention that he did have his birthday and it went great! He had a good day and was happy that he got so many birthday wishes from all of his friends and family!!

For those who may not know, which I'm pretty sure everyone does, Chris did take a job that he was offered in Utah and will be moving out this Friday or Saturday. He's going out ahead with all of our "junk" and doing his testing and starting work. The plan is for him to come back out in a week or two for me and the kids and then we will make our way back to Utah. We are excited that we will be living with Chris's grandma and grandpa Egan for a while while we get settled back into Utah life and the new job. It will be really nice for us to spend that time getting closer to Chris's grandparents, and giving the kids a chance to get to know them too! We have loved our time in Texas for the most part even if things did not necessarily turn out the way that we had hoped. The weather has been great, and it's been so wonderful to be near my family for these last 2 and a half years!! The kids have become really close to my family so it will be hard all around to make this change, but Chris and I have prayed a lot about our decision and feel that it is really the best thing for our little family right now! We've made a lot of really great friends here, which only makes it harder to say goodbye, but we love that we will have so many people to come see when we visit (which we hope is often) So, though it will not be an easy road to make this adjustment and it's definitely bittersweet, we are really excited!! :-)

So a few weeks ago I FINALLY went in for my 20 week ultrasound and we found out that baby #4 is healthy and growing fine, but we also found out that we are having another sweet baby girl! Chris and I have felt for a long time that it was a girl, but we would have been happy either way! :-) We are excited to have another girl, and the kids were really excited as well! Carson for some reason REALLY wanted this baby to be a girl and Landon would tell me it was a girl everytime I asked him, from the beginning. When we left for the appointment I told the kids we were going to find out what the baby was, when we came home the first thing that Carson said was, "where's the baby? I don't see a baby." I'm guessing he thought the baby would be coming out and that's how we'd know. When I explained and told them they just took a picture of the baby inside my belly, I told them it was a girl and both Carson and Lilli squealed and started jumping up and down with excitement! It was super cute to see them so excited. Carson keeps giving me names for the baby which have ranged from: Sally, AnaLee (from puff the magic dragon), Puff (also from that song...a favorite of his right now), and his daddy's pick Giuliana. Liili told me a few times to name the baby Lilli, but I told her that might be a little confusing, and Landon tells me to call her Baby. I'm still trying to decide on a name, I know the middle name will be Grace after my grandmother, but the first name I'm not sure yet. But we are really excited that for now we will have a perfect little set, 2 boys and 2 girls and for now that seems great! Chris is excited for another little daddy's girl and hoping that this baby will finally be the one that will love the Raiders and the Jazz...Carson keeps telling him his favorite football team is the Cowboys, and everytime he does I swear I can hear Chris's heart breaking... LOL. :-)

A few months ago I'm thinking it was in January we signed Carson up for pre-k at the rec center just to give him a little school experience before he started kindergarten in the fall. It was harder I think for me the first day than for him! He was a little shy, and shed a tear but he did really good!! I had to have Chris be the one to take him in...I just couldn't do it. :-( It's only 2 days a week for 4 hours, so nothing too major, but it's been really great for him. He's learned a lot, and gotten used to the idea of going to school. He had to stop going this month because with the move money got tight, but we're hoping to get him back in once we get to Utah until he starts kindergarten in Aug. He's really excited about school! He is my little learner...he LOVES school and loves to learn. He's a super smart little cookie! He's really excited about kindergarten and making new friends and he feels like such a big boy to have a back pack and to be going off to school while Landon and Lilli have to stay home...he tells them that when they are big like him they will be able to go to school too! :-) I just can't believe that my little baby is about to be 5 and about to go off to kindergarten!!! But I'm really excited for him and really glad that the new baby will be born around the time Carson starts school so that I will have a slight distraction. I'm actually due the weekend of that first week of school...not the best time so I'm hoping that she comes early...but two weeks early may be a little too much, we'll see.
Super Funny Kids Quotes!
New Quotes.:
I asked the kids if they wanted mommy to have another baby? They said yes so I asked Lilli if she would want a little brother, to which she replied, "We already have a little brother...it's over there."
Carson and I were playing Go Fish and as usual he beat me pretty bad ;), he quickly ran to tell daddy, "I cleaned the foor with mommy!"
I plan out the dinners for the month on a calander in the kitchen and Friday's are always pizza days. A few Friday's ago Carson was so excited ALL day for Pizza. He kept asking if it was time yet, I kept telling him it wasn't pizza time yet and finally when Chris got home from work Carson ran up to him and asked, "Daddy, NOW is it Pizza O'clock?" (translation, "is it Pizza time yet)
On the Fourth of July Chris and I took the kids to see the fireworks show and we were eager to see what Landon's reaction would be to them. As soon as they started, he got a little startled but it quickly turned to excitement and then he would point to them and say "POPCORN!"
We often drive by the new Cowboys stadium and Carson will ask about it we'll tell him it's where the Cowboys play football...the other day we went there to drop Chris and a few of my brothers off to watch a soccer game, and Carson asked about what they were going to watch, I said soccer this time not football. A week later at church when we were walking the halls Carson asks about the pictures of the Temples on the wall so we'll tell him they are Temples and explain about them and he turns to us and asks, "But what about the soccer Temple? Where's the picture of the soccer Temple?" (it's a BIG stadium and I guess to him it looked like it should be on the wall of Temples.)
We were going grocery shopping the other day, Carson asked where we were going and I told him to the food store. Right then we passed McDonalds and he asks me, "At McDonalds they sell food right?" I said yes and he asks, "If they sell food there, then it's a food store right?" I again say yes I suppose so, and he says, "Well if it's a food store, then maybe we should go there this time."
When we were in Utah Uncle Daniel would take the kids out on the trampoline every now and then. Once they were out there and Lilli was bothered that Carson was jummping and bouncing her all around so she tells him, Carson stop, you're making me bounce and Carson replied, "that's not my problem." (A little rude.)
We went to lunch one day to Paradise bakery and Chris and I got a bowl of creamy potato soup. We sat down started eating and the kids started inquiring about our soup. We said it was potato soup with cheese...Carson shoot up and said to Chris, "That sounds like my kind of soup!" (We were laughing hysterically!)