Monday, April 20, 2009

Bubble fun!

We had some bubble fun with the kids the other day. We went to my moms (she has a backyard and it was before we moved into the new house)and it was such a nice day that we decided to take the kids out and let them run and play in the bubbles. My kids love playing with bubbles! It kept them occupied for such a long time. It makes it a lot easier too when you have a bubble machine that blows the bubbles by itself. It was a cool little machine that blew a whole slew of bubbles at once every couple of minutes or so, very cool. Then they also had a hand, bubble blower they could do on their own. (That one was harder because they were resistant to taking turns) Landon was the cutest. He got so excited about the bubbles and was having so much fun chasing them and trying to catch them. They kept us entertained as well, because they were so cute chasing the bubbles, but also every so often they would chase bubbles without looking where they were going and they'd trip and pop right back up and keep laughing and chasing the bubbles. Cute stuff. I love how they still have so much fun with the simple things.

Sleepy Baby

Landon is such a little monkey! He's always climbing on everything and lately he's even been trying to climb out of his crib! When I go in after his nap or in the morning he has always made a mess. He tries to take apart his bedding. He throws out the blankets, pillow, bottle. He even sometimes tries to take the bumper off and throw that out too. His crib is right next to the dresser and he'll reach his little arms through the bars of the crib and pull off anything from the dresser that he can. I don't remember why but the other day Chris went into his room when he was taking a nap and this picture is what he found. Landon had fallen asleep I'm guessing while he was in the middle of attempting to take apart his bedding.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Giddyup Cowboy!

Carson got invited to a cowboy birthday party the other day from one of his little sunbeam buddies. He was so excited when I read him the invitation! He couldn't wait. Everyday he'd ask me if today we were going to Jack's cowboy party! when the day finally came he woke up and immediately wanted to put on all of his cowboy stuff and hurry to the party! He even posed for a picture with his guns drawn! The party was so cute it was just a few little boys from church they made cute cowboy crafts, and even made leather bracelets with their names stamped into them. They had a cattle round-up and had some cowboy cake! He had so much fun and I was excited that he went to his first non-family birthday party! He was pretty shy the whole time and wouldn't get into the crafts and games without me by his side,there were a few tears but I think he's doing a lot better shy wise since we've started going to play group. And he's excited to have his little buddies now. They've had a few play dates and he's feeling like such a big boy!

Fun at the park pics

Fun at the park

We took the kids to the park the other day, my mom and I. It was such a cute little park with a huge sand box that the kids could play in and dig in. They even had these diggers that the kids could sit in and manipulate to dig in the sand. They were a little hard for Carson and Lilli to use, but they gave it a try. Carson had his shades on that he says make him look "like a cool guy like daddy." Landon had fun digging in the sand he even gave eating it a try...he didn't end up liking that. He also found a cute little girl his age to flirt with. :) In the end the little stud just flirted with her mom. I must say however that my favorite part of this playground was that it is entirely covered by canopies so it kept it cool!

Out Riding Bikes

The weather in North Texas is pretty unpredictable and very often random. We try to plan fun family things to do on Saturdays but I plan them out all at the beginning of the month so we're never really sure what the weather will be. The other weekend we decided to do something simple and fun and just take the kids out to ride their bikes around. Carson had his John Deere riding mower, Lilli had her tricycle, and Landon had his little push car. It was fun, they were having fun but it was awfully windy. They didn't seem to mind though. There was a few rough patches when the wind would blow really hard, once it actually blew Landon right off of his bike. But he's tough and he was fine. He just got right back up and starting riding again. Landon was so cute riding his car but he'd do it for a bit and then get tired so Chris would have him lift his feet and he'd push him. He thought this was hilarious! He'd just laugh and laugh. It was a fun day despite the windy conditions.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day Out With Thomas Slide Show

Day Out With Thomas

A few weeks ago we took the kids, but especially Carson to A Day Out With Thomas! Carson is so into trains and he loves anything Thomas the Train! His last birthday party was dedicated to Thomas! We had been talking about taking him for a few weeks, but we decided the day before to go for sure. (We were in the middle of my mom's kitchen remodel) I told Carson about it the night before and he was so excited! He got all giggly and giddy. The next morning he could not wait! He was super excited. On the drive there because it was in Grapevine, every 5 minutes he'd ask if we were there yet. When we finally got close to it and he could see all the signs he said the absolute cutest thing ever! He said, "Mommy I can hear Thomas he's talking to me, and he's saying Choo, choo...chug a chug a..." It was so darn cute!

The kids had a blast. It was pretty pricey but I think it was worth it. They had a little train they could ride, pictures with Sir Topham Hat, a bouncy house Thomas the Train, a huge tent filled with model trains, and a lego room with trains to play with and lego sets. They even had pony rides. I actually couldn't believe that Carson and Lilli dared to ride the ponies! I was pleasantly surprised. Landon had fun eating anything he could get his hands on. And then finally at the end of the day we all got to ride on Thomas the Train himself! Carson was SO excited that Thomas the Train took him for a ride!

It was a really fun day for us and the kids and my parents who came along as well! and the best part was that they were so exhausted that they slept all the way home!

New Dress

My wonderful mom bought lilli a new spring dress the other day along with an easter dress that I will post the pictures of later. When we picked out this dress Lilli was so excited! She loved it, I think because of the bright color. She insisted on having a flower for her hair that matched so I had to break out the hot glue gun and make her a bright orange flower clippy for her hair. She loves the pink flower clippy that she got from her aunt Carli and wants to wear it with everything even if it doesn't match. I wouldn't let her wear it with this dress so she had to have an orange one. My girl knows how to accessorize what can I say! LOL But once it got springy enough she wanted to wear it to church for the first time and I snapped a quick picture of her in her cute orange dress! Unfortunately I couldn't get her to put her snack down to take it.

CiCi's Pizza Fun!

Our ward has a fun little playgroup for the younger kids in the ward that we've been going to. They meet every Tuesday and always have super fun things planned for the kids. It has been so much fun for the kids to meet new friends and come out of their shells a bit. Carson loves playing with his sunbeam buddies and it's been really good for me to meet some new friends in our new ward, especially fun because a lot of the other moms are in primary with me! One of the fun things we did lately was we took the kids to CiCi's pizza here in town and they let each kid make their own pizza! They put on all the toppings, watched it go through the oven and then finally they got to eat it! They had such a fun time with this one and it was super yummy! Carson and Lilli shared decorating a pizza and Landon even got in on the fun putting on the cheese.


Ok so I must apologize for it being sooo long since I have posted anything new about the kids. Life gets so crazy sometimes and things get pushed aside. I've been super busy lately with school, I've been going strong for over 4 months without getting a break and I'm really in need of one soon! Sadly I don't think I'll be able to get one until June. :( Also we've been busy helping my mom remodel her kitchen and then we had family in town for a few weeks. Chris has been really busy with work and school and dental school applications. Oh and I have a new calling in the primary which has been keeping me pretty busy. I also decided to home school Carson and Lilli for pre-school so we've been getting into that which has been a blast! They are both really smart and it's fun to teach them and watch them get all excited when they get what I'm saying. Super fun! I've got a ton of new pictures to post so get ready for a whirlwind! And then I'll try to be better but I can't make any promises because after this month we are moving into a new place (A House! I'm so excited!) and then we are off to Utah for a month.

Super Funny Kids Quotes!

New Quotes.:

I asked the kids if they wanted mommy to have another baby? They said yes so I asked Lilli if she would want a little brother, to which she replied, "We already have a little's over there."

Carson and I were playing Go Fish and as usual he beat me pretty bad ;), he quickly ran to tell daddy, "I cleaned the foor with mommy!"

I plan out the dinners for the month on a calander in the kitchen and Friday's are always pizza days. A few Friday's ago Carson was so excited ALL day for Pizza. He kept asking if it was time yet, I kept telling him it wasn't pizza time yet and finally when Chris got home from work Carson ran up to him and asked, "Daddy, NOW is it Pizza O'clock?" (translation, "is it Pizza time yet)

On the Fourth of July Chris and I took the kids to see the fireworks show and we were eager to see what Landon's reaction would be to them. As soon as they started, he got a little startled but it quickly turned to excitement and then he would point to them and say "POPCORN!"

We often drive by the new Cowboys stadium and Carson will ask about it we'll tell him it's where the Cowboys play football...the other day we went there to drop Chris and a few of my brothers off to watch a soccer game, and Carson asked about what they were going to watch, I said soccer this time not football. A week later at church when we were walking the halls Carson asks about the pictures of the Temples on the wall so we'll tell him they are Temples and explain about them and he turns to us and asks, "But what about the soccer Temple? Where's the picture of the soccer Temple?" (it's a BIG stadium and I guess to him it looked like it should be on the wall of Temples.)

We were going grocery shopping the other day, Carson asked where we were going and I told him to the food store. Right then we passed McDonalds and he asks me, "At McDonalds they sell food right?" I said yes and he asks, "If they sell food there, then it's a food store right?" I again say yes I suppose so, and he says, "Well if it's a food store, then maybe we should go there this time."

When we were in Utah Uncle Daniel would take the kids out on the trampoline every now and then. Once they were out there and Lilli was bothered that Carson was jummping and bouncing her all around so she tells him, Carson stop, you're making me bounce and Carson replied, "that's not my problem." (A little rude.)

We went to lunch one day to Paradise bakery and Chris and I got a bowl of creamy potato soup. We sat down started eating and the kids started inquiring about our soup. We said it was potato soup with cheese...Carson shoot up and said to Chris, "That sounds like my kind of soup!" (We were laughing hysterically!)