Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sad Days...

My poor babies are sick! I hate when my babies are sick they get so sad, and it breaks my heart. Especially when the doctors say they can't do anything and that they need to just ride it out! I understand that but it hurts me to have to see them so sad and in pain.

On Sunday at church it was ward conference so me and Chris were together with Landon in our joint meeting and Landon was being unusually fussy, so Chris checked his teperature and he had a slight fever. We gave him some meds and got him comfortable so that he fell asleep and we were able to stay through sacrament. When we got home he was still running a little fever, but he seemed to do okay as long as he had some medicine in him. He really did not have any other symptoms just a fever.

Monday morning we woke up and when I went to get Landon he was burning up! I checked his temperature and it had spiked to 103. I gave him a quick shot of motrin and another of tylenol and stripped him down to his diaper and half an hour later his fever went down and he seemed ok. After his nap his meds had worn off and he was burning up again. I checked his temp and it had spiked once again to 103. I redosed him and called the doctor who seemed concerned that he may have the flu and urged me to bring him in later in the afternoon to just get him checked out. A half hour later he threw up and I noticed he was still miserable , shaking and really hot so I checked his temp again and it had spiked to 105! I called the doc and they told me I needed to get his core temp down fast and that if I couldn't to take him to the hospital. Luckily for me I have been through this once before with Carson and they had told me how to get his core temp down FAST! I threw him in a cold bath with a popsicle and sure enough it went down quick! (It broke my heart thought to do it the poor baby was shivering and screaming!)

We made it to our appointment which was good, and they checked him out head to toe and told us it didn't seem like the flu and that he had a virus that he just needed to ride out and to give it 5 days to pass. But to keep an eye on him and keep him hydrated and make sure his temp didn't get too high.

So far today he's been about the same. Fine when his meds kick in but when they wear off he's right back up to 103-104 temps. I hate seeing my poor baby so unhappy! Luckily for me we had freezing rain and Chris's school was closed today so I had him home to help me out! It looks like we may have a bad weather day tomorrow too so he may be home from work which will help me out because this evening Lilli started to have a fever too!

I hope this passes soon for my kids it makes me so sad for them to not be their normal, happy, playful selves! I'm on day 4 for Landon and I'm thinking if he is still doing bad tomorrow that he might have to get a blessing, at least for some comfort!

My hope is that it doesn't make it's way through all 5 of us! Especially me cuz when I get sick everything seems to fall apart...no matter how hard Chris tries to keep it all together!


The Anderson Fam said...

So sorry, I hate it too when the kiddos are sick. Hopefully they'll be on the mend soon. Oh by the way I found you through Linda's blog. I am a friend of Chris' from school. Such a darling family. Is Chris in to dental school? I would love to hear an update.

Giannina said...

Oh hi! Do you mean a friend of Chris's from high school? Are you Jamie, formerly Jamie Hansen?
Chris is in the process of applying to dental school, but right now we're just waiting to hear.

Super Funny Kids Quotes!

New Quotes.:

I asked the kids if they wanted mommy to have another baby? They said yes so I asked Lilli if she would want a little brother, to which she replied, "We already have a little brother...it's over there."

Carson and I were playing Go Fish and as usual he beat me pretty bad ;), he quickly ran to tell daddy, "I cleaned the foor with mommy!"

I plan out the dinners for the month on a calander in the kitchen and Friday's are always pizza days. A few Friday's ago Carson was so excited ALL day for Pizza. He kept asking if it was time yet, I kept telling him it wasn't pizza time yet and finally when Chris got home from work Carson ran up to him and asked, "Daddy, NOW is it Pizza O'clock?" (translation, "is it Pizza time yet)

On the Fourth of July Chris and I took the kids to see the fireworks show and we were eager to see what Landon's reaction would be to them. As soon as they started, he got a little startled but it quickly turned to excitement and then he would point to them and say "POPCORN!"

We often drive by the new Cowboys stadium and Carson will ask about it we'll tell him it's where the Cowboys play football...the other day we went there to drop Chris and a few of my brothers off to watch a soccer game, and Carson asked about what they were going to watch, I said soccer this time not football. A week later at church when we were walking the halls Carson asks about the pictures of the Temples on the wall so we'll tell him they are Temples and explain about them and he turns to us and asks, "But what about the soccer Temple? Where's the picture of the soccer Temple?" (it's a BIG stadium and I guess to him it looked like it should be on the wall of Temples.)

We were going grocery shopping the other day, Carson asked where we were going and I told him to the food store. Right then we passed McDonalds and he asks me, "At McDonalds they sell food right?" I said yes and he asks, "If they sell food there, then it's a food store right?" I again say yes I suppose so, and he says, "Well if it's a food store, then maybe we should go there this time."

When we were in Utah Uncle Daniel would take the kids out on the trampoline every now and then. Once they were out there and Lilli was bothered that Carson was jummping and bouncing her all around so she tells him, Carson stop, you're making me bounce and Carson replied, "that's not my problem." (A little rude.)

We went to lunch one day to Paradise bakery and Chris and I got a bowl of creamy potato soup. We sat down started eating and the kids started inquiring about our soup. We said it was potato soup with cheese...Carson shoot up and said to Chris, "That sounds like my kind of soup!" (We were laughing hysterically!)