He was a little aprehensive about the candle
It took a while...
But finally he got messy!
He made me laugh that he actually pointed to the present
when I was taking the picture. Oh man so my baby finally turned one on Wednesday! I can't believe that it was only a year ago that he came into our lives and turned everything upside-down! He's such a handful! But when he smiles at you or gets excited it's totally worth it!!! But it's so true that it is so different and hard going from two to three kids. It's seriously like night and day! But like every other trial in your life it will either make you or break you. In this case it made our family that much stronger! It's a strength for sure of our family and our marriage that me and Chris take things in stride and adapt to things so easily! Anything that seems to come up that seems unbearable in the beginning (which is the case when I found out number 3 was coming) we always manage to figure out how to make it work (after we finally are able to wrap our heads around it). And now I truly cant imagine our life without the three of them! And weirdly I tell everyone that asks that while we didn't plan it this way if we had to do it over again we'd do it the same exact way! I know that's crazy but it's true! Anyway Landon's birthday was great although it was absent their grandparents...I'm sure there will be a celebration at a later time. I just made a little cake for him and got him a little present which Carson loves more than him! But thank you to all you that called and sent him gifts that was great! He really is growing up though. He's getting more teeth, he's starting to walk a little and he's really aware of what's going on around him. He really makes me laugh! But at the same time it reminds me that soon I wont have a baby anymore. They're all growing up so fast! Whatever will I do? Well be sure to check back next week for pics of Lilli's birthday. Oh yea her and Landon are both one now for a whole week!
Pregnancy Update - 37 Weeks
6 years ago
Three for us has been an incredible blessing as well-- something I did not expect. I have learned (and am learning) more than I ever imagined. We really feel like a FAMILY more than ever. It is so fun to read your blog! I'm sad we couldn't get together while you were out here! Keep the posts coming!
I know what you mean our Family is growing and it happend so fast but now we wouldn't have it any other way. We really are a little family now and it's awesome! I know we were bummed that we couldn't get together. We may come out for Christmas we'll have to see but if we do we'll have to get together for sure!
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