Monday, November 17, 2008

Band Practice

So this was fun Carson's Uncle Gino is in a Rock band and Carson just thinks that it's the coolest thing that Gino gets to "Rock Out." My mom bought him this play guitar a while back and he always plays "Rock out." We keep telling him that Rocking out is something you do not something you play but oh well. Anyways the other day he got the toy piano or "plano" out for Lilli and he and Lilli had Band Practice! I was pretty sure he wouldn't let me record him, but it turned out he likes to play in front of the cameras and he even dialed it up a notch. It was probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen! It was pretty funny too!

Band Practice

Here's another video. I have like 5, but these two were my favorites! Enjoy!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Dear Santa

I know it's a little early but Carson has been all about Santa and Christmas since the beginning of October. Everything he sees he tells me he wants to get for Christmas and the other day he told me that he wanted to call Santa and tell him what he wanted for Christmas. I told him Santa doesn't have a phone and that we needed to write him a letter. So we sat down the other day and the kids wrote their letters to Santa because as Carson said when I told him it was too early, "But mommy I want a lot of things and it's hard to make a lot of things." So I guess he's right and Santa needs time to make all the toys. Below are Carson's and Lilly's lists to Santa. I mainly just put in the filler words to make the letter make sense but tried to keep it as they told me. Carson's is 98% his words and Lilly's is more like 85% her words. We mailed off the letters and now they are anxiously awaiting a reply. (It's in the works).

Carson's Letter to Santa:

Dear Santa,
This is Carson, I'm the number 3 now. I've been really, really, really, really good! What I want for Christmas is; Hungry, Hungry Hippos, Wonder Pets, Pablo and Thomas the Train. Oh, I want books and movies too. I want new shoes and new pants too because they are small and I look silly. Also I wanna go to Grandma's house to open my presents. Also I want any video games and new tools because they are broken. Also please and thank you. One more thing, Grandma has been good too, so please bring her presents too. Ok that's not all yet...I also want a new play puppy, and a bear because it's's not broken but I want a new one. I also want a new backpack and new soccer balls. I want new golf balls, and a new big airplane. Also a new football. That's all. Remember I am really, really, good.

Carson Asay Burt
Number 3 (meaning to say that he's 3)

Lilliana's Letter to Santa:

Dear Santa,
I've been really, really good. For Christmas I want to have a new backpack for school, and a new baby. I am being really, really good. I want also a new kitchen set to play with and some paint for my fingernails. Ya and I want a new Dora. I also want a new hat and new books and I really want some new shoes for my feet. I want pretty, sparkly earrings for my ears and a new horsie to play with. Thanks and please.

Lilliana Burt, I'm not Carson I'm Lilly this time.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tag For Landon From Kenzie

Kenzie tagged Landon so here it is...

5 Things you may not know about Landon

1. Before he even turned one, Landon had flown a total of 7545.6 miles and been out of the country. He took his first flight when he was 3 months old.

2. Landon was named after Landon Donovan the MLS soccer player, Chris picked out the name when we were in the hospital the day after Carson was born and we were watching the USA vs. Costa Rica world cup qualifying game we were supposed to have been at. (He is a player for the USA Chris just liked the name).

3. Landon is the only one of our kids so far that Chris has not blessed. We were in Costa Rica when he was blessed and Chris was nice enough to allow my Grandfather to do the honors. Now he and my Grandfather share a special bond and he's said to bring him back for his baptism and all the other major events.

4. Landon is lactose intolerant.

5. After Landon learned how to crawl he took a little detour before learning how to walk. For like 4-5 months he got around by walking on his knees. He would walk on his knees all day, all over the house. He could move just as if he were walking it was really funny to watch because he looked like he was walking and my family used to tell me to put shoes on his knees.

Tag For Lilliana From Kenzie

Ok so Kenzie tagged Lilli so here goes...

5 Things you may not know about Lilliana.

1. In her two years Lilliana has racked up 15, 528.8 airline miles, though she's only just turned two so now we'll actually have to buy her a ticket...bummer. She took her first flight when she was 3 months old and she has already been out of the country.

2. Lilliana was named after my wonderful mother.

3. Lilliana has a love already for purses and shoes!

4. Lilliana was born with a red "W" birthmark on her lower back that looks oddly just like the new Walkman logo. It's about an inch wide and an inch tall.

5. Lilli is allergic to cats and cantelope (just like her daddy)

On the Move...

For our family In Utah I just wanted to give you a little view of Landon on the move since he finally started walking about a couple of months ago and you all haven't gotten to see him yet. It's cute, he's getting really comfortable walking now and he is all over the place! He makes me laugh sometimes when I watch him because he still looks so little to me. He's getting so big though.

So this year was a really fun Halloween! We let Carson decide what he wanted to be and he chose to be a Raiders Football player again. Lilli was a witch, and Landon was a cowboy! They all looked really cute. In past years Carson has been a little weary about going trick or treating, but this year he wanted to give it a try. We started off slow and unsure, but then when he realized it was not scary and he was getting candy he got really into it. We had to call it a night though when Landon and Lilli fell asleep. I was surprised that Carson did so well! He's even been really good about only having a few pieces of Candy at a time. And he's also starting to tell us what he wants to dress up as for next year. He's not sure what but he says he wants to be something scary. It was nice too because my sister in law had a Halloween party for the neighborhood kids, the week before and so we took Carson, Lilli, and Landon there and it was nice to get them in their costumes and get them excited for Halloween.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tag for Carson from Kenzie

Ok so Kenzie tagged Carson so here goes.

5 Things you may not know about Carson Asay Burt

1. Carson was named after Carson Palmer, the quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals, and for his Grandpa Gaylen Asay.

2. Carson in his short three years has flown 23,512 miles (there is a chance I missed a few) and has been out of the country, and his first flight was when he was two months old and he slept the entire way...never cried.

3. Carson can count in both english and spanish and is working on expanding his spanish vocabulary.

4. Carson has been to an NBA, NHL, and MLB game, he's only missing NFL to complete his pro sports watching career. Took Chris 28 years to get to that.

5. Carson loves to eat tortillas, corn or flour but he wont let you warm them up he loves to eat them cold, plain and he'd eat them all day if you let him.

Carson's slippers...Tuo Xie's.

So the other day we were at Target buying Landon some new shoes now that he's walking and it's getting a bit chillier, and Carson came across some Lightning Mc Queen slippers and just had to have them. He finally broke Chris down and he bought them for him. He's never worn slippers before so I figured he'd wear them a few times and then get over it, but he's been all about these slippers since. He wants to wear them everywhere we go, he wears them all day, to bed and when I go to get him up in the morning he's already got them on. The other day Chris wanted to give him a haircut and he wouldn't do it unless he could wear his slippers...yes they also give him courage. It's the cutest thing! The first night he wanted to wear them to bed and he said to me as I was putting him t bed that he liked his Tuo Xie's, I didn't know what he was talking about at first and then I rememberd that it was the Mandarin Chinese word for slippers that he learned from an episode of Ni Hoa Ki Lan.

A New Look For Landon

The before...and after.

So I finally broke down and gave Landon his first haircut. It's weird because with Carson and Lilli that didn't matter to me I cut their hair like all the time and as soon as I could, but they were both born with weird hair styles. Maybe it's because he's my baby, maybe it's because he was born with the cutest hair that could never be messed up who knows but he was getting super shaggy, and a haircut was way overdue! I thought there was no possible way that he could be cuter than he was, but man with his new look he's a super stud! He'll be a lady's man for sure! I also figured that his Grandpa Gary would dig his buzz, as well as his camo wear!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Family Fun Day!

Saturday was our family day and we decided to decorate and carve pumpkins we each got a pumpkin me and the kids decorated ours, and Chris carved his. It was really fun! I got the idea from one of my many craft websites that I frequent. Neither Carson nor Lilli would dare reach into the pumpkin to pull out the "guts" they were disgusted by the idea! Let's see my pumpkins were the mini ones that I turned into bats. Carson's was the Dracula pumpkin which he calls Chocula, and he had him sit next to him the next day on the couch. He says it's his friend and he needed him to help him watch football. Lilli's was the witch, Landon's the mummy and Chris's is the carved one in the middle. It was a fun activity the kids really enjoyed it and me and chris had a good time!

A Garden Party for Lilliana!

A Crown for the birthday princess!
Her mini flower pot cupcakes!
Her Garden cake curteousy of Grandma!

A good whack at the pinata with a little help from her Uncle Giuseppe! She actually hit the pinata pretty good!

Landon's King of the Jungle Party!

She made these individual little lion cupcackes. They were adorable and super yummy,
it was a shame we had to eat them!
Then she also made this full size lion cake for Landon. It was so cute!
There was a Lion pinata! He blew out his candle with a little help from Carson.
And then finally he got to devoure one of the mini lion cupcakes! All in all it was an unforgettable first birthday! It was super cute and really fun! My mom did a wonderful job as always!

The Official Birthday Parties!

So after my parents got back from Italy we decided to throw Landon and Lilliana a joint birthday party to celebrate since my parents were gone for the actual days. My mom as usual was wonderful, went into party planning mode, went all out and made it a truly wonderful birthday party for the both of them. It was a joint party but my mom did a great job to still have it be an individual celebration for the both of them.

What a great smile!

We took the kids to go see their cousin Jack play in his little league football game, something Carson loved doing with his Uncle Daniel when we were in Utah. They had fun and Jack's team won so that was great! My mom was playing with Landon and he is such a ham that I had to catch a few pictures! It was a sunny day and I was trying to get him to wear a hat, my mom was making him laugh to distract him so he'd leave the hat on. He's got such a wonderful smile that really lights up your day! All three of the kids have dimples, but Landon's got huge dimples that are so prominent when he smiles! They are soo cute and he's got two teeth now so when he smiles it's the cutest thing!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Carson wanted to say hi to his Grandpa Gary and let him know that he misses him and loves him very much. Oh and yes that is Lilli's leg coming in at the end and kicking him in the face...everyone is okay though no need to worry! Just a little sibling rivalry I guess.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday To My Sweet Girl!

Oh happy birthday my baby girl! Today got me thinking of when I found out I was having another baby...I was so excited and from the beginning I knew it was a girl! The day that they confirmed it was a girl at the ultrasound appointment Chris and I were beside ourselves...I cried a little. We were both so happy to be having a girl! She definitely brightens up our life, she is a ball of trouble though. She's go such an attitude that I swear she's had since the day she was born! She rolls her eyes at you, she's give you that look, but when she smiles or tells you she loves you it all changes and it melts your heart. She's definitely the apple of her daddy's eye. Her second birthday was so fun Carson was so sweet to her all day telling her not to cry because it was her birthday. He even was giving her hugs and trying to show her how to say she was two with her fingers. She was so excited all day that it was her birthday she was all smiles!


So some of you emailed me that you wanted to see some pictures of our dog Raja. He's a four year old Yorkie. We've had him since he was a puppy although he spent two years living with my parents in Texas but since we moved here we've been reunited. It's a little crazy sometimes with the kids and Raja but it's fun! We love him even though he drives us crazy sometimes. He's so cute though, so that helps! The kids have fun with him and he does pretty good with the kids. We hope to be able to give him and the kids a yard to run around in...all in due time I'm sure.

Carson's Day

So we generally split up the saturdays in the month into Daddy's day, Mommy's Day, Carson and Lilli have their days with just us and then we have family day where we go do something fun at the park or the zoo or whatever. Last Saturday was Carson's day I thought it worked out pefect for him because it was right in the middle of Landon and Lilli's birthday so he'd get the spotlight too. I had school so he got to go out with Chris alone which was nice for the both of them. They went mini golfing at putt putt. Chris said they had a lot of fun and that Carson even got a Hole In One! He's getting to be a pretty good little golfer. They played the arcade for a while too and turned in their tickets for some Candy.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday My Baby Boy!

He was a little aprehensive about the candle
It took a while...
But finally he got messy!
He made me laugh that he actually pointed to the present
when I was taking the picture.
Oh man so my baby finally turned one on Wednesday! I can't believe that it was only a year ago that he came into our lives and turned everything upside-down! He's such a handful! But when he smiles at you or gets excited it's totally worth it!!! But it's so true that it is so different and hard going from two to three kids. It's seriously like night and day! But like every other trial in your life it will either make you or break you. In this case it made our family that much stronger! It's a strength for sure of our family and our marriage that me and Chris take things in stride and adapt to things so easily! Anything that seems to come up that seems unbearable in the beginning (which is the case when I found out number 3 was coming) we always manage to figure out how to make it work (after we finally are able to wrap our heads around it). And now I truly cant imagine our life without the three of them! And weirdly I tell everyone that asks that while we didn't plan it this way if we had to do it over again we'd do it the same exact way! I know that's crazy but it's true! Anyway Landon's birthday was great although it was absent their grandparents...I'm sure there will be a celebration at a later time. I just made a little cake for him and got him a little present which Carson loves more than him! But thank you to all you that called and sent him gifts that was great! He really is growing up though. He's getting more teeth, he's starting to walk a little and he's really aware of what's going on around him. He really makes me laugh! But at the same time it reminds me that soon I wont have a baby anymore. They're all growing up so fast! Whatever will I do? Well be sure to check back next week for pics of Lilli's birthday. Oh yea her and Landon are both one now for a whole week!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wii Tourney!

A quick golfing lesson from daddy and she's off!
Carson taking his shot!
Lilliana's almost on the green, she did pretty good for her first time!
Carson in the bunker, but he got out and on the green in one shot! Watch out Tiger!
From the left, Chris, Me, Carson, and Lilliana, Landon was napping.

For our family day this weekend we had a wii tournement! It was so much fun! It's cool because you can create a Mii, a personalized player and customize it to look like you, somewhat anyways. They both played pretty good, lilli needed a little help from chris, but Carson plays fine on his own. We played golf, and Carson did actaully better than surprise. Let's see we also played baseball, and boxing. That was really nice to get rid of some aggression and it was a surprisingly good cardio workout! Afterwards we went out to coldstone to get some ice cream. Despite being in the Hurricane, (not much of one by the time it got to us, just a lot of wind and rain) we had a lot of fun. And of course we finished off the day with a little College football so it was a great day!

Our Summer Trip to Utah!

So below (way below toward the bottom) I added a little slideshow with our pictures from our summer trip to Utah! We had so much fun we truly didn't want to come home! We loved getting to see everyone, but we were sad we missed out on some people we wanted to visit! We hope to be able to come out again very soon but to all of you out there the invitation is outstanding for you all to come to Texas and visit us!!! We miss you all and we really miss Utah! Don't worry we'll be back someday! Thank you soo much to all of out family that let us stay and disrupt your lives for a while!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Clean as a whistle...

So I just thought that I would snap a picture of my little trouble makers while I was giving them a bath the other day. They are a handful, but I can't imagine life without them...although I bet it'd be a much quiter one. Either way I wouldn't trade it!

Super Funny Kids Quotes!

New Quotes.:

I asked the kids if they wanted mommy to have another baby? They said yes so I asked Lilli if she would want a little brother, to which she replied, "We already have a little's over there."

Carson and I were playing Go Fish and as usual he beat me pretty bad ;), he quickly ran to tell daddy, "I cleaned the foor with mommy!"

I plan out the dinners for the month on a calander in the kitchen and Friday's are always pizza days. A few Friday's ago Carson was so excited ALL day for Pizza. He kept asking if it was time yet, I kept telling him it wasn't pizza time yet and finally when Chris got home from work Carson ran up to him and asked, "Daddy, NOW is it Pizza O'clock?" (translation, "is it Pizza time yet)

On the Fourth of July Chris and I took the kids to see the fireworks show and we were eager to see what Landon's reaction would be to them. As soon as they started, he got a little startled but it quickly turned to excitement and then he would point to them and say "POPCORN!"

We often drive by the new Cowboys stadium and Carson will ask about it we'll tell him it's where the Cowboys play football...the other day we went there to drop Chris and a few of my brothers off to watch a soccer game, and Carson asked about what they were going to watch, I said soccer this time not football. A week later at church when we were walking the halls Carson asks about the pictures of the Temples on the wall so we'll tell him they are Temples and explain about them and he turns to us and asks, "But what about the soccer Temple? Where's the picture of the soccer Temple?" (it's a BIG stadium and I guess to him it looked like it should be on the wall of Temples.)

We were going grocery shopping the other day, Carson asked where we were going and I told him to the food store. Right then we passed McDonalds and he asks me, "At McDonalds they sell food right?" I said yes and he asks, "If they sell food there, then it's a food store right?" I again say yes I suppose so, and he says, "Well if it's a food store, then maybe we should go there this time."

When we were in Utah Uncle Daniel would take the kids out on the trampoline every now and then. Once they were out there and Lilli was bothered that Carson was jummping and bouncing her all around so she tells him, Carson stop, you're making me bounce and Carson replied, "that's not my problem." (A little rude.)

We went to lunch one day to Paradise bakery and Chris and I got a bowl of creamy potato soup. We sat down started eating and the kids started inquiring about our soup. We said it was potato soup with cheese...Carson shoot up and said to Chris, "That sounds like my kind of soup!" (We were laughing hysterically!)