So this was fun Carson's Uncle Gino is in a Rock band and Carson just thinks that it's the coolest thing that Gino gets to "Rock Out." My mom bought him this play guitar a while back and he always plays "Rock out." We keep telling him that Rocking out is something you do not something you play but oh well. Anyways the other day he got the toy piano or "plano" out for Lilli and he and Lilli had Band Practice! I was pretty sure he wouldn't let me record him, but it turned out he likes to play in front of the cameras and he even dialed it up a notch. It was probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen! It was pretty funny too!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Band Practice
Here's another video. I have like 5, but these two were my favorites! Enjoy!
Posted by Giannina at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Dear Santa
I know it's a little early but Carson has been all about Santa and Christmas since the beginning of October. Everything he sees he tells me he wants to get for Christmas and the other day he told me that he wanted to call Santa and tell him what he wanted for Christmas. I told him Santa doesn't have a phone and that we needed to write him a letter. So we sat down the other day and the kids wrote their letters to Santa because as Carson said when I told him it was too early, "But mommy I want a lot of things and it's hard to make a lot of things." So I guess he's right and Santa needs time to make all the toys. Below are Carson's and Lilly's lists to Santa. I mainly just put in the filler words to make the letter make sense but tried to keep it as they told me. Carson's is 98% his words and Lilly's is more like 85% her words. We mailed off the letters and now they are anxiously awaiting a reply. (It's in the works).
Carson's Letter to Santa:
Dear Santa,
This is Carson, I'm the number 3 now. I've been really, really, really, really good! What I want for Christmas is; Hungry, Hungry Hippos, Wonder Pets, Pablo and Thomas the Train. Oh, I want books and movies too. I want new shoes and new pants too because they are small and I look silly. Also I wanna go to Grandma's house to open my presents. Also I want any video games and new tools because they are broken. Also please and thank you. One more thing, Grandma has been good too, so please bring her presents too. Ok that's not all yet...I also want a new play puppy, and a bear because it's's not broken but I want a new one. I also want a new backpack and new soccer balls. I want new golf balls, and a new big airplane. Also a new football. That's all. Remember I am really, really, good.
Carson Asay Burt
Number 3 (meaning to say that he's 3)
Lilliana's Letter to Santa:
Dear Santa,
I've been really, really good. For Christmas I want to have a new backpack for school, and a new baby. I am being really, really good. I want also a new kitchen set to play with and some paint for my fingernails. Ya and I want a new Dora. I also want a new hat and new books and I really want some new shoes for my feet. I want pretty, sparkly earrings for my ears and a new horsie to play with. Thanks and please.
Lilliana Burt, I'm not Carson I'm Lilly this time.
Posted by Giannina at 9:45 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tag For Landon From Kenzie
Posted by Giannina at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Tag For Lilliana From Kenzie
Posted by Giannina at 10:58 AM 0 comments
On the Move...
For our family In Utah I just wanted to give you a little view of Landon on the move since he finally started walking about a couple of months ago and you all haven't gotten to see him yet. It's cute, he's getting really comfortable walking now and he is all over the place! He makes me laugh sometimes when I watch him because he still looks so little to me. He's getting so big though.
Posted by Giannina at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Posted by Giannina at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tag for Carson from Kenzie
Posted by Giannina at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Carson's slippers...Tuo Xie's.
Posted by Giannina at 8:37 PM 0 comments
A New Look For Landon
Posted by Giannina at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Super Funny Kids Quotes!
I asked the kids if they wanted mommy to have another baby? They said yes so I asked Lilli if she would want a little brother, to which she replied, "We already have a little's over there."
Carson and I were playing Go Fish and as usual he beat me pretty bad ;), he quickly ran to tell daddy, "I cleaned the foor with mommy!"
I plan out the dinners for the month on a calander in the kitchen and Friday's are always pizza days. A few Friday's ago Carson was so excited ALL day for Pizza. He kept asking if it was time yet, I kept telling him it wasn't pizza time yet and finally when Chris got home from work Carson ran up to him and asked, "Daddy, NOW is it Pizza O'clock?" (translation, "is it Pizza time yet)
On the Fourth of July Chris and I took the kids to see the fireworks show and we were eager to see what Landon's reaction would be to them. As soon as they started, he got a little startled but it quickly turned to excitement and then he would point to them and say "POPCORN!"
We often drive by the new Cowboys stadium and Carson will ask about it we'll tell him it's where the Cowboys play football...the other day we went there to drop Chris and a few of my brothers off to watch a soccer game, and Carson asked about what they were going to watch, I said soccer this time not football. A week later at church when we were walking the halls Carson asks about the pictures of the Temples on the wall so we'll tell him they are Temples and explain about them and he turns to us and asks, "But what about the soccer Temple? Where's the picture of the soccer Temple?" (it's a BIG stadium and I guess to him it looked like it should be on the wall of Temples.)
We were going grocery shopping the other day, Carson asked where we were going and I told him to the food store. Right then we passed McDonalds and he asks me, "At McDonalds they sell food right?" I said yes and he asks, "If they sell food there, then it's a food store right?" I again say yes I suppose so, and he says, "Well if it's a food store, then maybe we should go there this time."
When we were in Utah Uncle Daniel would take the kids out on the trampoline every now and then. Once they were out there and Lilli was bothered that Carson was jummping and bouncing her all around so she tells him, Carson stop, you're making me bounce and Carson replied, "that's not my problem." (A little rude.)
We went to lunch one day to Paradise bakery and Chris and I got a bowl of creamy potato soup. We sat down started eating and the kids started inquiring about our soup. We said it was potato soup with cheese...Carson shoot up and said to Chris, "That sounds like my kind of soup!" (We were laughing hysterically!)